Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Going Home Early

Unfortunately I will be ending my service here in the Peace Corps this week. I have made my decision and it is final. I know I have not been completely candid on this blog about all of my health issues since swearing in two months ago, so this will probably come as a surprise to most people who do not speak with me regularly. Like I have mentioned before, I have had severe problems with the overall function of my GI tract. But it is not the occasional bouts of diarrhea that has forced me to resign. The fact of the matter is that in the last two weeks I have completely lost my appetite and the food that I am eating is not being absorbed properly by my body. I have had chronic weakness, fatigue, and diarrhea for the better part of two months now and it has gotten progressively worse each week. My healthy weight is typically around 165 lbs, but today I am tipping the scales at 145lbs. This has become a serious cause for concern for the last time I was this skinny was about the 9th grade. I have always been able to overcome obstacles that have been thrown my way but this time I feel as though staying here will put my overall health and well-being in jeopardy. The medical unit has done all they could to help me figure out what is going on. All of my lab tests have shown up negative for parasites, bacteria, malaria, etc. My body may just not be able to handle the differences that African life brings, or I may have a serious medical concern that does not show up in lab tests here. Which ever situation it is, there is no choice for me but to return home.

So how do I feel about all this?
In all honesty this situation has been extremely difficult for me to go through. I really had no intentions of quitting the Peace Corps before my well-being became an issue. The Peace Corps has been an amazing experience for me that has opened my eyes to many different issues that I was previously oblivious to. It is sad to have to leave a place that has taught me so much about the world. I have been living in Togo for five months now and for most people in this world that would be too much time in Africa. For me, it wasn't enough.

My best friend from my village is named Ayooba. Unfortunately I had to rush and pack all of my things in a matter of one day so I was not able to speak with him face to face before I left (conveniently the network went down the day I was packing). But I will never forget the text message he sent to me today:
Mark I know god has sent you here for a reason. I am happy to have known you and one day I wish to meet you in America. Remember You must become a Muslim INSHALLAH


FoxieMoxieJewels said...

Has your health improved 2 and 1/2 years later?

Hector the inspector said...

Are you a Muslim now?