Wednesday 5 November 2008


As everyone knows, last night was a turning point for our nation as Barack Obama succeeded in winning the Presidential Election. The Peace Corps Volunteers that were in Lome were invited to the US Embassy for an all night election results party. It was an incredible experience watching the results come in for we were among hundreds of high ranking Togolese Officials who were also invited to the event. The wave of emotion that hit me as he was officially declared the winner was unlike anything I have ever felt. I really can not recall another time in my life where I have been so proud to be an American.

The one thing that I have learned more than any other here serving in the Peace Corps is just how important developing positive international relations are with foreign countries. I believe the one thing that Obama brings to our country more than anything is a certain international respect that has been missing for the past eight years. Improving our image abroad is something that every Peace Corps volunteer strives for and was really the main objective layed out by John F Kennedy when he started the Program in the early 60s. Besides the grassroots style of helping third world countries develop over time, Peace Corps also succeeds in improving international relations within that given country. I wanted to stress that point in this post because Americans as a whole are very well liked and accepted here in Togo(much more so than citizens of other European countries) and The Peace Corps along with its philosophy for helping developing countries prosper is the main reason why.

I have spoken with people from all different countries and I cannot stress it enough just how much respect and admiration they have for Barack Obama. I am glad that the American people have put their trust in Obama and I am more honored than ever to serve our Government as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

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